The first day!

I started this project on Thursday, 31.05.2018. I researched a lot and found some very useful stuff, but what I found even more was bullshit like „earn over 1000 Euro per day without doing a thing“ or „we pay you over 50% interest each month, if you pay us“. There is an enormous amount of false information out there and there are a lot of people who want to trick you into giving them your hard earned money. That’s why I set myself some rules at the first day.

Rule 1:

If I have to invest money to get more money in return, it’s probably a fraud.

Rule 2:

If someone promises you a lot of money without doing anything, it’s also probably a fraud.


Both of this rules are very important. I personally know some guys, who lost a lot of money to some Ponzi-Schemes and another guy, who lost money (altough not much) to an online marketing site. They promised him a ridiculous high amount of interest if he invests in their site. So he paid 50 Euro and well, he never saw his money again. Therefore you have to extremly cautious, if someone wants your money.


But I also found some very interesting concepts on how to make money online. I researched a lot about Paid4, Cryptocurrencies with Faucets, microjobbing, paid forums, etc. In every category, I found some useful stuff and a lot of bullshit, but I will tell you more about the good things in the upcoming days.

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