Is ClixSense legit?

First of all, the answer to the question. Yes, it is a legit site!

I am using ClixSense myself and I also got paid twice already, as you can will see later on a screenshot from me. But now I show you how the site looks and how you can make money online there. The site is english, because it’s from a company from the USA.

ClixSense is a Paid to Site. That means, you get paid for various tasks you can do at their site. That is how it looks.

It is in the business for over 10 years, that normally means, it‘s a legit site. Of course, there can also be scams, that last long. But it’s a good first hint, if a site is legit or not. But don’t worry, I tested the site for you and did all the work. Now you don’t have to test it yourself and can just read my review right here, to know, if ClixSense is good for you or not.

How can you make money online with ClixSense?

There are two different ways to earn money. The first thing you can do their are tasks from Offerwalls. There are the typical Offerwals like TrialPay, OfferToro and similar sites. There are also ClixOffers. They are tasks from ClixSense itself. They work exactly like other Offerwalls.

Personally, I dislike offerwalls (if you want the reason, read my review about offerwalls), but I tried 2 offers directly from ClixOffers. The tracking for both of them didn‘t work, but the support answered me fast and both times I got my money. That means, at least their own offerwall has good support.

I can recommend their own Offerwall, but better stay away from the other Offerwalls. The problem with them isn’t the fault of ClixSense, the problem is, that Offerwalls themselves are really shit.

The second way you can make money online at ClixSense are surveys. Most of the surveys are english. I am from austria, therefore I speak german and sometimes I get surveys in my native tongue. You earn between 0,33 Dollar and 1 Dollar for a surveys. Often you get invited to better paid surveys, but I get screened out most of the time. Still, I earn around 10 Dollar per month there. It’s not that much, but the time I need for it isn’t very high. Of course, there are also a lot of different sites for surveys, but personally, I like ClixSense the most, because there are a lot of different survey companies at one place. Also, the tracking is excellent, I never had any problems. I never needed the support for a survey, I got paid for every single one I did. And I already did over 20 different surveys there.

I recommend you to be honest at surveys. Sure, you get screened out sometimes, because you don’t meet their criteria, but for the long view it’s better for you to be honest. The different companys keep a profile about you and if lie and say different things at the same provider of a survey, they could ban you. That is why you should be absolutly honest, it is better for you and also for the companys who need the data from you.

If you don’t want to share your data, don’t use surveys. I know a lot of people, who value their privacy and the don’t like to share personal opinions and such things. If you are such a person, don’t use ClixSense. You could use the offers from ClixOffers, but most of the time you also have to share some private data for the offers. That’s why I don’t recommend you ClixSense, if you want to keep your personal stuff secret.

If you don’t care about such stuff or if you want to tell your opinion about products and other stuff to companys, ClixSense is the right choice for you.

What do I get if I refer people?

Like most other sites where you can make money online, there is also a referral program at ClixSense. If you manage to convince someone and they register with your personal link, you get them as a referral. That means, you get money too, if your referral eans money. You get the money as a bonus, your referral won’t lose a cent. Sites like ClixSense are dependent on a large community, that’s why they pay you if you manage to refer some people to them.

If someone registers with your link, you get either 10 Cent or 30 Cent, depending on the country, where your referral lives. If he earns his first 5 Dollar there, you get  a bonus of 2 Dollar.

Additionaly, you get 20 % of every Dollar your referral earns. That money is paid by ClixSense, your referral won’t earn less, don’t worry.

Does ClixSense really pay me?

Of course, you get paid. Sometimes the payment takes between one and two weeks, but you will get your money. The minimum cashout is 10 Dollar.

You can cash out with the following:

Tango Card
Check, but just if you live in the USA or Canada.

Personally, I use Skrill, but of course, you can use whatever you want. Right now, the fee for cashing out to Skrillex is 1 %, that is ok for me. Dwolla for example is free of a fee right now. The fees can change, that’s why I won’t list them here.

As you can see, I got paid twice already, without any problems at all. That’s why I can vouch for ClixSense and tell you that it is a legit business.





Lot of surveys and offers

Good support, if you have tracking problems with ClixOffers

Cashout is available as soon as you earn 10 Dollars.


Payments take a long time to arrive

Offerwalls suck as usual


As you can read in my review here, I can recommend ClixSense. But only if you have no problems to give away your data for surveys. Of course, your data stays anonymous, but still, a lot of people don’t like that. Especially if you value your private data a lot, you should stay away from ClixSense. If you have no problem with such a thing: register and try it out!

You can easily earn 10 Dollars there, enough for some cold glasses of beer each month 🙂

If I managed to wake your curiosity and you want to register there, please use my link below. You can also use the banner, but if you have an Adblocker installed, it can be, that you can’t see the banner. If you do this, you become my referral and I get some money, as I already explained. With this, you support my site and enable me to keep this site adfree for you. Thanks a lot in advance! 🙂

I wish you a lot of money at ClixSense, if you have any question, don’t hesitate to send me a Mail orwrite a comment below. 🙂

Link zu ClixSense


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